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Windsor, Ontario recent comments:

  • Myers Towing / Spartan Sling, Cliff D. Black - President (guest) wrote 9 years ago:
    SPARTAN SLING MFG INC has moved to a new location. Now located at: 2565 BINDER CRESCENT in OLDCASTLE, ONTARIO... N0R 1L0. New phone numbers are 519-737-8633 phone, 519-737-0986 fax. Chain, wire rope, nylon, polyester... bulk & slings & bridles. Everything for overhead lifting & load securing. If you want to lift it, drag it, pull it or tie it down... SPARTAN SLING... 519-737-8633
  • Former location of Saint Mary's Academy, Paula norris (guest) wrote 9 years ago:
    Gee, I remember Sr. Philomena and she was very nice. Super smart in mathematics and Shakespeare studies. Not sure I ever found any of the sisters to be unfair or mean. Maybe you have an agenda of your own. Not positive of what that would be, but have an idea.
  • Historic Seagrave Fire Truck Factory (demolished), Tim Rusling (guest) wrote 9 years ago:
    I have a nice photo of it, which shows a previous business name: Border Cities Wire and Iron. I photograph buildings that appear no one wants and their futures questionable.
  • Former XS Cargo, Terra (guest) wrote 9 years ago:
    This used to be XS Cargo. Now it's just an empty space.
  • Former Brick Outlet, Terra (guest) wrote 9 years ago:
    That's The Brick now.
  • Dollar Tree, Terra (guest) wrote 9 years ago:
    LCBO moved to a different location. Now it's a dollar store.
  • Former location of Saint Mary's Academy, Willolyn (guest) wrote 10 years ago:
    I was a freshman at St. Mary's and there were times I went thru the dormitory where the little girls ( 1 to 3rd grades) and I heard Sr. Philomena telling those little ones they had to sleep on their backs and not to turn on their sides. I was there as a little one too, but I had the sweetest, nicest nun, Sister Romona. Why they let Sr. Philomena take care of little ones was a travesty. When I was little, they had boys there up to the 6th grade and Sr. Philomena was in charge of them. When they eliminated the boys, they just moved that "warden" over to take care of the little ones. But I liked St. Mary's. I learned a lot and found the majority of the nuns to be fair.
  • Canadian Plaza - Gordie Howe International Bridge construction site, Derek Udzbinac wrote 10 years ago:
    What naturally sensitive areas? The former site of Windsor's only failed subdivision? Is that also of historical importance?
  • Aboriginal Park, Phylmarie Fess / Manidoonaateshi (guest) wrote 10 years ago:
    Department of Parks. City of Windsor I bring attention to issues regarding that land which is called Aboriginal Park in the City of Windsor, but is really part of First Nation Burial Ground. We have not forgotten them. They must be honoured. 1. We First Nations people cannot access the rest of the Burial Ground land because: ….a. The Expressway and curved access driving road lanes from the Expressway to Huron Church Road are built on top of the land. ….b. The triangle of land formed by the Expressway on the south side, Huron Church Road on the west side, and the curved diagonal access driving road lanes is inaccessible to us, because of danger of being hit by driving traffic vehicles. ….c. The City of Windsor is constructing a walking footbridge for wildlife to safely and readily cross above Huron Church Road from woodlands on east and west sides of Huron Church Road. In like consideration, the City of Windsor needs to also construct a graduated level, multidirectional access ramp at each end of a walking footbridge, for First Nations people to safely and readily cross above the curved diagonal access driving road lanes, and therby access the triangle of land which is also part of the Burial Ground. 2. This is a Burial Ground. A cemetery. We have ceremonies of honouring here. Other Essex County Cemeteries have no playground built upon them. There should be no playground equipment built on here. When do you plan to remove the playground equipment? We have not forgotten them. They must be honoured. My family has been doing so since before the Expressway was conceived. ~ Manidoonaateshing-ikwe / Phylmarie Fess
  • Grace Hospital (Demolished), Uzzy (guest) wrote 10 years ago:
    It was razed in 2014.
  • Honey Badger Bistro, TLU2008 wrote 10 years ago:
    Honey Badger Bistro don't care.
  • former Riverside Presbyterian Church, Anonymous (guest) wrote 10 years ago:
    Great Congregation, Presbyterian services are now held nearby at the Riverside United Church, on Sundays at 1:15. All are welcome.
  • Courtyards of Parkway, Kan (guest) wrote 10 years ago:
    Do you know who the owners are, if so, please send me their names and/or telephone numbers. I can help rectify the problem. Thank you. My email is
  • Chromeshield, Paul Letourneau (guest) wrote 10 years ago:
    I worked there from 1993 -1998 it was a dirty job but I loved it. Let there to work at Ford been here 17 yrs now.
  • Dougall Public School, Michelle H G (guest) wrote 10 years ago:
    Hello, old fellow alumni of Dougall School, 1961-1963-Thank you all for the opportunity to study in Canada, as an American student. Igloo building, racing at Kennedy Collegiate Institute, Bank of Dominion who paid for my first Barbie, double dutch jumping with the Chinese girls..Piaget should have been around to comment on our 'reindeer games'. I received an A in my Childhood development class.; however..standing room only as an adult in an Igloo (the idea was then sponsored by the store Loblaws) has definitely placed the art of both grandparenting and parenting at an all time high),, imagine being in an adult size igloo standing room only..with "she shoots she scores".. as we all know the Spitfire arena is nearby...and well with the games practiced at Dougall..and shopping at the doll store..and afternoon skating as the arena...well that places ideas for a party off the chart..I must credit both Dougall and Prince of Wales School for supplying the toolbox for Child care 101... etc.. As an American. Eh and learning French with placing the u in colour, flavour, and neighbor..Thanks.. hopefully before 2015.. I can honor those who were instrumental in providing the medium to write.... Well. avoir..and thanks for all the memories..sincerely
  • Chromeshield, Dale (guest) wrote 10 years ago:
    I use to work at Rust Shield Plating in Windsor,Ontario then changed to Chrome Shield Plating in 1998 when Flex N Gate bought them. Very dirty job that was in the polishing dept. & the chrome plating process down the street,very hazardous materials that was.
  • Canadian Pacific Railway - Windsor Yard, Bryon (guest) wrote 10 years ago:
    why do you hold up traffic so long at Jefferson and Rhodes 20 min. to half is too long . It seems like you don't care. What is the reason for it? Just a little common sense would help Bryon
  • Former General Motors Transmission Plant (closed in 2010), BA (guest) wrote 10 years ago:
    Uzzy.... the CAW was successful in bargaining wages and benefits that a family could live comfortably with. Your comment is the standard ignorant comment posted by many who seem to be unhappy with themselves. Do some research and find out the real reason these plants close.... but that would be work.... go back to sitting in your parents basement playing video games.
  • Former site of Windsor Raceway (1965-2012), Derek Udzbinac wrote 10 years ago:
    The area of the former Windsor Raceway will be Big Box stores.
  • Former site of Windsor Raceway (1965-2012), Derek Udzbinac wrote 10 years ago:
    There is no new facility at the 401 and Manning. The City just approved for redevelopment of the area into big box stores.